The First Letter of Your Name

David Invests
3 min readDec 28, 2020

If you grouped all the ticker symbols in the NYSE and NASDAQ that trade common shares by their first letter, this is what you’d see:

Figure 1.

And the “As” have won. What a surprise…

As to “Y” being the least popular, I have no idea. I mean, Z I understand, but Y? I guess when you’re at the bottom of the barrel, it is better to be the worst so you can be #1 at something (“Z” is the best at being last, whereas “Y” never won anything).

Q is just weird, no one wants to hang out with them.

J my guy, the letter that never took anything seriously, a little immature to be publicly traded I guess.

Proportionally, it looks like this:

Figure 2.

How about their average performance per day?

Figure 3.

Looks like the letters W, Q and S round out the top three, but also exhibit the most variance. So, what about the median growth rates?

Figure 4.

Putting it together:

Figure 5.

Looks like W, Q, Y, S, and U seem to be the breakaway winners here.

Sorry O, H, X, and V, nothing personal, but you just sound like household cleaning products.

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